Monday, January 31, 2011

once upon a starry night

once upon a starry night

I searched high and low for this dress at Forever 21 when I was home, but never found it.  By the time I tried to order it online, it was out of stock- buyer's regret :(  I mean seriously, this dress is so perfect for me!  At least through polyvore I can dream about how I would wear it... Do you guys have any stories about something you wished you purchased when you had the chance?

P.S. Oh, and I changed the layout a bit!  The link to my archive is now located at the top and is viewable as a separate page.  What do you think about the changes?

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

the packages came!

Since several of my packages came this weekend, I thought I would show you guys what I've purchased recently!


I bought these boots from Wanted Shoes on Tuesday and they arrived on Friday- I mean, talk about fast shipping!  Not only was shipping free, but these were also on sale, so I got them for $40!  I purchased them to replace my favorite boots which broke over winter break and I think I made a good choice.  The knee-high length is great and the boots are sooo comfortable.  At first, I wasn't too keen on the finish of the boots, which looks sort of like crinkled leather, but it is definitely growing on me and I figure as I wear them that sheen will fade.  Also, they have a sort of western feel which is different for me and which I like. 

I bought both of these items from Cait's etsy shop.  I discovered her blog and shop through Pay it Forward 2011 (I am one of her recipients) and I'm so glad that I did because she makes/sells the cutest stuff!  I can't wait to wear my purchases and you should definitely check out her shop!

This last picture is more of a teaser because I don't want to give away too much!  I've decided what I'm going to make for my Pay it Forward 2011 participants and the yarn I've chosen finally arrived today. I've been itching to get started, so off I go!  Hope you guys are having a good weekend! :)

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

On Nnenna's Needles #4

First, a little housekeeping: You may have noticed that I didn't post anything on Sunday and Monday this week and the reason is that I didn't have any quality photos to share.  I like documenting my outfits and knowing what I wore, so I've been taking pictures and posting them even though the quality was not superb.  Well, I'm trying to improve that and post better-quality photos, so no outfit posts if I don't have good pictures (I'm not talking professional level here, I mean, I know next-to-nothing about photography, I just want to avoid any more pictures with a lot of glare or blurriness. That sort of thing.)  I'll just recreate the outfits that didn't get photographed, hopefully with the help of a new little toy that should be arriving in the mail soon!  Anyways, on to the good stuff!

Summer Breeze

 I do not remember why my face is cut off in these pictures,
maybe I had a huge zit or something?!

I made this tank top last Spring in one of my favorite colors to wear, burgundy.  Since it's pretty much see-through, I always wear something underneath, but I can also see it over a bathing suit on the beach-- I can't wait for that to turn into reality!  Seriously, I'm over this snow business, I'd really like it to be warm!  Even though I've spent four winters over here, I'm a California girl through and through!  Which brings me to my next item of business...

Questions! Here's what some of you wanted to know:

1. Ashley asked- Where are you from? I was born in Bakersfield, California, moved around a bunch (including Lompoc, CA, Houston, TX, Grand Blanc, MI, and then back to Bakersfield, CA), but now currently living in New Haven, CT where I go to school.

2. Laura asked- What is your major at school? I am an International Studies/Spanish double major, which is cool because I get to study in several different areas and learn about different countries, but focus on what I'm most interested in.

3. Laura also asked- If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be? This is tough, I'm a terrible at naming my favorite book, or song, or that sort of thing, but, if I had to choose, I might say (see, even then I'm not committing!) Singing in the Rain because it was one of the first classic movies I watched and lead me to discover that I love old movies, especially musicals! 

 Now, some random facts:

4. I had never seen a show on Broadway until this past weekend, but since Saturday, I've seen two- Chicago and Wicked!  Chicago was good, but Wicked was a large-scale production and it really was amazing! Have any of you seen a Broadway show?

5. I'm the oldest child and I have three younger siblings- one sister (17) and two brothers (14 & 10).

6. I'm fairly short (5'3"), but people always think I'm taller and I don't know why! works for me though, ha :D

7. My dream hubby would speak both Spanish and French and have an EU passport so that I could have citizenship too! (I'm only half kidding ;)

Yay, it feels so nice to get a chance to post again!  Can't wait to hear from you guys and hope you're having a lovely hump day! =)

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Friday, January 21, 2011

early valentine's day

Is it just me or did they start advertising for Valentine's Day really early this year?  Well, I guess the subliminal messaging worked because I wore this outfit recently:

dress- thrifted from saver's, tights and flats- forever 21

cardigan- forever 21

apologies for the bad lighting, I'm really trying to work on it!

I wore it to a white wine tasting, which was a lot of fun!  We tasted different types of Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, and Pinot Grigio-- I think Riesling is my favorite because it is so deliciously sweet.  Even though we are technically only allowed to go to one, I'm trying to see if I can attend the red wine tasting because the white wine tasting was so informative and fun!  Which do you prefer, red wine or white wine?

Also, I would like give a big thank you to Anna and Ribka for both giving me the Stylish Blogger Award this week!

In order to accept this award, I'm supposed to share seven things about me-- however, I am really bad at sharing in this sense, so I thought maybe you guys could ask me questions (in the comments) and I will pick seven of them and answer in the next post.  How does that sound?

I'm also supposed to pass it on to seven bloggers I've recently discovered, so here we go!

1. Gem from Gembear
3. Amber from Amber Blue Bird
5. Kristin from Doll Parade
7. Kirstin from Crimson Rosella

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

On Nnenna's Needles #3 + A Special Guest

Hello Everyone,

Please meet my very good friend, Ms. Moebius Cowl.

Moebius Cowl
Her job is of the utmost importance.  She keeps my neck, and sometimes my ears, warm and toasty, so as to prevent these crucial body parts from falling off in the brutal cold.  She has been my especial friend ever since I was reminded of winter's true force with the snowstorm last week....

Today, she made a new friend, Ms. Penny Pouch, sent by the lovely Cait of Kitty Cait.

gift from Kitty Cait for Pay It Forward 2011
Ms. Moebius Cowl met Ms. Penny Pouch in the Post Office and liked her from the moment she emerged from her packaging.  They are so delighted that they can keep each other company every day in Ms. Nnenna's purse!  Not to mention that Ms. Penny Pouch came with some a lovely note :)

Ms. Nnenna and Ms. Moebius Cowl would like to give a big thank you and hug to Cait because they love their new little friend! :D  Also, you should check out Cait's etsy shop because she has many pretty things and maybe you too can make a new friend!

P.S. I am not crazy or anything, just felt like writing this post a little differently today.  Hehe, hope you like!

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Monday, January 17, 2011

newspaper anyone?

cardigan- forever 21, shirt- H&M, shorts- Charlotte Russe,
socks- Target, oxfords- Primark

I feel like all I'm missing from this pageboy outfit is a cap and a newspaper!  Nevertheless, I really like this look, especially the menswear inspired elements.  This is the last outfit that I took pictures of while I was at home- that's why I could get away with those bare legs!  Also, I'd been looking for a pair of shorts like these to wear in the winter and found these on sale in Charlotte Russe for $8.

Unfortunately, not a lot to say today because despite my best efforts, I'm feeling under the weather.  Still, I'm going to try to be productive and use the holiday to hunt for jobs and write cover letters.  Tell me about your weekend though, what did you do?

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Five to Share

1. Snowstorm: iPhone Pictures that I took when it was snowing and the day after- doesn't the second picture look like little bon-bons?

2. Commenting: After reading Grit and Glamour's Build a Better Blog Series, I've decided to start handling comments differently.  Thanks to Disqus, I can reply to each comment in-line, so check back on the post to see what I've commented back!  Along with that, I plan to continue visiting your blogs and commenting there.  What do you guys think of that system? Would you rather I reply only in one spot or do you like the sort of two-pronged approach?

3. Pay it Forward 2011:  I've contacted the first five people who responded, but I haven't heard back from #5, so I have one more spot to fill (see link if you want to know more about the project).  Any takers?

4. Nokia 'Dot':  I think this stop-animation video is sooo cool, you should definitely check it out!

5. Blog to Follow: Ashley- Two Eyes in the Mirror

What do you guys think of the format of this post for Sundays?  It is sort of a weekly roundup, like Alyse suggested, mixed in with stuff/links I found interesting this week, and a blog to follow to share the blogger love!  I'd love to know what you think! :)  Also, when I wasn't even looking, this blog crept up to 117 followers!  I'm so flattered that that many people think I have something interesting to say, you guys are the best! :D

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Friday, January 14, 2011

a ripped shoulder is not the end of the world

sweater- wet seal, tee, tights, and belt- forever 21, skirt- Old Navy, boots- urban original

I'd been looking for this type of sweater for a while (I wanted to try out this trend), but I didn't want to spend too much money on it and most of the ones I saw were $25-30.  I know, that really isn't crazy expensive, but I try to hold out to see if I can find it for cheaper!  Enter this sweater from Wet Seal, which usually has stuff that isn't my taste, but occasionally I can find something cute there.  The sweater was 50% off (making it under $15) because when I found it, the entire shoulder seam was ripped, as was a section of the sleeve.  I debated whether or not it was worth it to buy damaged goods, even though it was a good price, and then I realized I should take advantage of the deal!  I mean, I'm no seamstress, but it took me all of ten minutes to sew up the problem areas, and now it is good-as-new!  Do you guys ever buy damaged clothes and then fix them up?

silver earrings- gift from best friend :)

Also, I just have to give these recent Forever 21 purchases a shout-out!  The blue tee and gray tights might not look like anything special, but I think Forever 21 has some really great basics in terms of quality-to-price ratio.  This t-shirt is a lovely heathery blue color, oh so soft, and under $4 bucks.  Also, these gray tights are thick and warm- perfect for winter!

I'm going to a white wine tasting tonight, how grown-up of me! haha  What do you guys have planned for the weekend?  Also, check back on Sunday, I'm going to try a new kind of post! :)

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

On Nnenna's Needles #2

El Otoño Morado

This is probably my favorite item that I have ever knitted!  I made this last winter break and it took me about a month to complete the project.  When I saw the lacy pattern, I fell in love and when I was searching for the perfect color to make it in, this vibrant purple just jumped out at me!

The original pattern was shorter with buttons (see link under first photo), but I decided to make my cardigan longer and also open.  I think this way it has a more relaxed feel and I can wear it so many ways, such as belted over a dress or open with a pair of jeans!

A little more about my knitting background- I am co-president of knitting club at my school in my residential college (we're called Berkeley Knitters).  We are fortunate enough to be funded by the college, which pays for all our materials and such.  We meet weekly on Saturdays to eat and chat and knit together.  At the beginning of the semester, the leaders of the club plan out the projects for the semester and we try to include a variety of things, such as new techniques, quick and more involved projects, and at least one charity project as well.  Knitting Club is definitely one of my favorite activities at school and I just wanted to share a little bit about it with you guys :)

If you just got hit by the storm on the East Coast, hope you stay as dry as possible and happy hump day to everyone!  See you Friday :)

P.S. I just joined IFB and I'm so excited to be a part of that community! :)  Also, I saw this post on Grit and Glamour and I think it's such a cool idea!

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Monday, January 10, 2011

once upon a time it was sunny

How is it time to go back to school already?!  I'm so not ready!  I flew back to the East Coast over the weekend and school started again today.  Seeing the snow on the ground was trippy and it's going to take some getting used to.  Basically, I've been drinking cup after cup of hot tea and trying not to get sick like so many of my friends are!  When it's so cold like this, it's nice to look at pictures taken in a warmer climate.

cardigan, tunic, leggings- Forever 21, boots- Urban Original

I really enjoyed seeing my family and friends over break, but it is also nice to be back at school and see all of my friends here and hear about their holidays.  I've only been back for one full day and I already feel like there is sooo much work to do!  The beginning of the semester is always hectic with trying to finalize my class and work schedule, so I'll be glad when things settle into a routine.  How are you adjusting after being on holidays?  Now that school is back in session, I'll be trying to post on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday schedule.  I think this way I'll be able to post pretty regularly and have time to respond to comments and questions, while still keeping up with my schoolwork and jobs.

Thank you all so much for all the recent comments, especially about Pay it Forward 2011 (if you're one of the first five you'll be getting an email shortly)!  I'm really excited about this idea and it is so nice to have your support! :)  See you on Wednesday with another On Nnenna's Needles!

P.S. If you have any questions, I'd love to hear from you in an email (see sidebar) or respond to you on twitter! :D

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Friday, January 7, 2011

Pay it Forward 2011

Graphic made by Rai at Blargle Fargle

Here's that exciting project that I mentioned earlier: Pay it Forward 2011!  I discovered this lovely idea on Blargle Fargle and I'm participating on Cait's blog.  The rules for participation are really easy!  The first five people to comment on this post will receive something handmade by me (most likely something knitted, see this post for an example).  The original rules say that you'll receive your item sometime before 2011 ends, but I'd like to shorten the timeline and say that you'll get your item sometime before I graduate (May 2011).  If you are one of the five participating you then carry on the chain by posting this project on your blog and by blogging about your item once you receive it!  I am oh so excited about this!!  This is open to readers anywhere and if you want to participate, please comment and leave your email address so that I can contact you.  Ready, set, GO! :)

The Crafty Five: (edited to add Jamie because I'm completely blind and didn't see her first comment!)
1. Nina from Nina Says Hello
2. Kathleen from Inspirafashion
3. Kel from Life as Kel Knows It
4. Jamie from BlogRedhead
5. Elisa from I'm Not a Baby Doll

P.S. I've made a couple little blog changes!

1. I'm now on twitter!  It took me forever to join, but now I'm in!  I'm so totally new to this, so I have no idea what I'm doing, but send me a tweet/follow me at @starcrossedsmil (like my blog name, but minus the 'e' cuz twitter cut me off at 15 characters)!

2. Added my email address on the sidebar, so feel free to email me if you have any questions! :)

3. I also created a blogroll on my sidebar, the blogs and bloggers that I go to or chat with daily.  If you're not on there right now, don't worry because I'm going to update it all the time!

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goodwill goodies

Went to my local Goodwill the other day and they were having an awesome sale- 50% off your entire purchase! Of course, I didn't know this while I was shopping, so I was pleasantly surprised at the register when my total went from $18ish to under $10 bucks! Here's some of the stuff I bought:


First item I snatched up.  The base color is yellow (a color that I never ever wear!), but I couldn't pass it up because it reminded me of funfetti.  Mmmm, delish!


Lovely brown braided belt- yes please! (woot for alliteration! haha, yes, I'm a nerd, I know)


Reminded me of the dress that I wore in this post.  I just really loved its classic shape.


Matches my new booties :)


Three reasons why I love this sweater: 1. Beautiful redish/purplish color, 2. Really thick knit- very heavy and very warm, 3. Will probably be wearing this when I head to the airport tomorrow to fly back to the East Coast and since I was dumb and left my coat at school, this baby will be one of my layers of protection against the biting cold that awaits me.


Based on this recent shopping trip, this might be the year-of-the-belts for me.  I mean, I know it's too early to tell, but half of this purchase was belts, so that must mean something!  This one is my favorite though because it is oh so buttery soft, leading me to believe it's made of real leather.  Plus, it has Longchamp stamped on it- I have to admit, that's a little bit exciting!

What do you think? Have you had any great thrifting finds lately? Also, stay tuned later today for a post about an exciting project that I've joined and that you can participate in too!

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